Hallowed Harmony is a U.S. cultural based educational comedy drama series written for television by its creators Brian N. Hewlett and Kyle Wagner. The series was written with creative collaboration in mind to be produced as an Original for a television streaming network. The series is an Audience Owned Cooperatively Crowdfunded Production presented by Conscious Universe Productions Inc. (aka CUP) in conjunction with not yet named production partner(s).
The series is the inaugural media production created as the flagship installment of Hewlett’s and Wagner’s Shroom Garden Universe that includes a series of forthcoming graphic novels and other media projects to be presented by the recently formed Minnesota based Conscious Universe Productions Public Benefit Corporation (B-Corp) founded by the two to assist in the marketing, promotion and production of conscious raising ideas to mainstream media platforms.
The Hallowed Harmony Pre-Production Unit, which consists of Art & Design Team, Ops & Logistic Team, Script Team, Social Media & Marketing Team, Soundtrack Team, Merchandise Team is located in Denver, Colorado.
To learn more about the Pre-Production process and how you can get involved…